
Flying through a window?

This morning, I listened to the "meditation moment," the politically correct spiritual thought of the week provided by our head director of spiritual care. The thoughts range from silly to sobering each week. This week, I heard the director's voice start out "once there was a woman who noticed a fly trapped in her kitchen..."
He continued to describe how the woman observed the fly running over and over again into the closed window, searching for the fresh air and light outside. Feeling sympathetic, the woman walked over and opened her back door. With the door wide open and a fresh breeze sliding in from outdoors, the fly continued to run into the solid glass of the window.

I have rarely heard a better example of what we so often do with life choices. We decide that this is the way we want to go, we think that this is the opportunity, the choice, the position that we will spend time and energy to gain. Sometimes, our determination pays off and everything is as it should be, as God wished it to be. But I think more often than not, our decision reflects that of the fly hitting the window. There is a wide open door less than ten feet away, with all of the tantalizing scents and offerings of where we belong, but we blindly continue to plod on in our choice because we either can't or won't see the other possibilities God has in store.

God grant me the wisdom to see the difference...

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