
Peace because...

So I'm trying to be more intentional about praying, particularly when I have "down" time, such as on a walk to work, driving to the gym, waiting in line somewhere, etc. I was thinking the other day about what God has been teaching me lately, or, what God has been teaching me my whole cognizant life it seems. He's teaching me that He's in charge, and that He works all things together for the good of those who love Him, and that as such, I need to learn to rest in Him. Thinking about my current financial situation, I chuckled at God's intentionality with the perfect math He worked in our budget while my husband is currently unemployed. We're not buying new clothes or going to concerts, but we can pay every single one of our bills on time. Perfect.

And I uttered the words: "Thank you for saving me."

What I meant was, thank you for saving me from my anxious, un-trusting, freaking-out self. For saving me from having to deal with the pain of practical reality, of not having enough money or enough time or enough friends.

But those things aren't really that important. When I said the phrase "Thank you for saving me," I unexpectedly brought up the real reason I should be thanking Him every day. For...saving me. For giving me the freedom to live my life with Him. For deciding I am worth every second of His time, every drop of His blood. To quote the great Jon Acuff: "He recognizes me. He created me. He knows me inside and out, the parts that are ugly and the parts that are beautiful and the parts I don't even know exist yet. And he doesn't see a dope. He sees a beloved daughter...How many times will God take me back when I fall? Again! Again! Again!"

SO when I'm worried about bills or work projects or getting sick or not seeing my family enough, even though those are all legitimate concerns, I need to remember to Rest in Him. Because He saved me - from myself and from my Sin and into His Grace.

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys! Thank you for sharing your heart. I truly feel encouraged by having you and Tim in my life, you guys are a true blessing.
