

I think we all have levels of our lives that we need to consider to be "safe."

X dollars in the bank

school loans paid off

car loans paid off

gas costing less than $2/gallon

not fighting with your spouse

knowing your kids can go to college

good smoke detectors

cars that don't break all the time

jobs that pay enough to save some money

good health

medicine/doctors when health isn't so good.

good insurance (life, health, home, etc.)

neighborhoods/cities low in crime

The list goes on and on. And, to be fair, I made up this list because these are some of the things that make me feel safe - not just other people.

But here's the thing - safe is not a state of consumer peace. We think it is. We somehow get sucked up into the tornadoe of endless dissatisfaction with the state of "safety" in our lives. As my husband says, "we always need a back-up, get out of here quick plan," in case your current life patter/situation/trajectory doesn't work out.

Jesus never said all of those things would bring us peace.

Jesus never said any of those things was even remotely important. not to our physical bodies, our mental bodies, our emotional frames, and especially our spiritual temples.

Jesus. is safe.

"Come to me, those who are weary and laden, for I will give you rest."

Jesus doesn't keep us safe from all that we fear in our every day lives. Jesus keeps us safe, "in the shadow of his wings," about everything that matters. Eternity. Eternally safe. There will be no more tears, pain, or grinding of teeth.

Safe. is Jesus.

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