
Relaxi cab

Anyone get the reference of the title? Okay, I'm a friends fanatic. Anyway.

I don't actually have too much to post about, except the ongoing miracles of God's grace. As usual:)

I discovered two things on my recent vacation: 1) it takes at least 48 hours until I can actually relax. EVEN on a vacation with nothing else to do BUT relax. 2) it takes me 48 hours to stop freaking out once I've relaxed and then have to go back to real life.

In the first instance, I couldn't calm my mind or body from my constantly moving, reading, list-making, task-checking-off, communicating, chore-doing, errand-running, idea-shooting, deadline-writing self. The entire first day, on an empty beach, with a dos equis, in Mexico, for crying out loud, all I could think about was how I needed to find an atm, maybe cash in those travelers checks, figure out what we were having for dinner, make sure to remember to take pictures, etc. I'm not even kidding here.

With the help of my husband, some Mexican tequila, and the sweetness that is God's spirit saying hold on my daughter, i really didn't design a life to be sprinted through, I figured it out.

However, the entire day of traveling back, I began to get more and more nervous. I have two jobs, one self-employed job, and a lot of friends and responsibilities to keep up with. Though anyone I regularly interact with knew I'd be gone, I still knew that all three of my inboxes would be simply overrun. and with a 12 hour workday starting at seven a.m., I was not anxious to plunge into that. Much less including the fact that I didn't fall asleep until after 1 a.m., there is nothing in the house to eat, no laundry has been done, and so on. I literally couldn't sleep because I was stressing so much about this. Granted the day that began with very few hours of sleep, and then 18 hours of travel probably didn't help my anxiety levels.

All that to say. God works in both earth-shattering and tiny, nearly imperceptible ways. I managed to both sleep in, calling in to my first job of the day, and also go through the emails in two of my inboxes in less than 8 hours - in between other projects. But still. I figured I'd have days of follow-up ahead of me.

I should add the silly note that I also tried to cook a conventional oven frozen pizza in the microwave today. I put it on high for four minutes, and though it didn't explode or anything, it was nearly inedible. Which is why I had a backup muffin :)

Sometimes i start to think that God doesn't care about the pathetic teeny details of my life that seem to be the biggest stresses to me. But then, I see His hand doing exactly what needs to be done. Not erasing pain, highlighting my faults, or displaying my shortcomings. Rather, holding my hand. And, as I discovered on a rather seasick-tinged boat ride, often, holding someones hand (particularly, I might add, either your husband's, father's or the Creator of the Universe's), makes all the difference in the world.

P.S. for photos of our trip - feel free to take a look at my facebook page. though you should probably wait until later this evening when I finally get off work :)

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