
leave the light on....

Leave a light on so I can come home

Two blogs in one day! Bet this will never happen again. I feel inspired. Which is a good thing, because the older I get, the less inspired I generally feel. Except by children.

Anyway. With that depressing start. This was someone’s status on facebook. No idea what it is in reference to – but do you have those times in life when you feel like you keep getting walloped over the head, and yet that “kick me” sign is still on your back? You’ve been knocked down so many times you can barely see the light up at the top of the stairs, much less the steps themselves. It’s my life story, really. I don’t mean the getting kicked while you’re down part. I mean the leave the light on part. Time and time again I can’t see anymore. Because I’m crying, because it’s snowing, because that rain just keeps on coming, driving against me. And All I want is someone to flip that lightswitch on and illuminate what is around me so I can at least get my bearings and then try to figure out what the bigger picture is.

But I don’t think it says anywhere that I get to look at that bigger picture.

I think as long as God leaves that light on, with enough of a glow to make my way in the right direction, that’s all I need to see. Even if I have to feel my way towards it, and I am blinded by blurry tears, as long as I can still see that muddy glow, then everything is okay.

And I keep trucking on towards home. Not my death, though that’s part of it as well. But home in the peace and safety that I am determined to bask in on a daily basis, the most valuable gift that accompanies eternal life.

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