
Worth the Pain

I saw a sign on a small presbyterian church that I happened to be using to turn around in, and written in the largest letters that nearly engulfed the sign read "Love is worth the Pain"
A resounding thought, to say the least.
Now, having felt many types of love and many types of pain, I have joined the camp of "it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." However, I was not always a member of that camp, and sometimes I still go on hiatus from that camp when pain is very intense and I do not think the joys are worth the pains, momentarily.
It prompted pondering about all of the types of love and if they are worthwhile when you know or suspct (or don't expect) pain.

Love of a pet, who you are aware will most likely not outlive you.
Love for a child, requiring pain to bring into the world, pain as they grow, and pain as they move on.
Love for a spouse, possibly the easiest to cause pain to, and the most painful when hurt.
Love of a best friend, who doesn't always get it right and can cause you great pain.
Love of a sibling, which was probably founded on pain but has grown deep.
Love of a heavenly Father tht you cannot possibly understand, and who sometimes even seems to cause pain, or at least let it happen unhindered.
Love from a Creator, who sees His children hurt every second of every day by bad choices (theirs or others).

And that's just a few.

My point being exactly what that church sign said: "Love is worth the Pain." If it was not, where would God's Grace be? or rather, where would we, as a human race, be?

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